

November 18th, 2013

This website was designed as a tool to demonstrate the combined use of ASP.NET, Bootstrap Responsive Framework and the use of a Microsoft Access Database. This page and the contents herein have been created using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012, for class COMP 3512 taught by Professor Randy Connolly at Mount Royal University. The teams workflow consisted of regular code reviews between team members, pair programming and the use of Microsoft's Team Foundation Service for version control.


Ronnie McGregor

  • Layout initial design and project manager.
  • Wrote many of the SQL queries.
  • Created SingleArtist/ArtistList page.
  • Created (2) 'Best Sellers' and 'Related Artists' user controls.
  • Built the "Add to Favourites" functionality.
  • Built the shopping cart.
  • Built the search (simple/advanced) functionality.

Selenge Natsagdorj

  • Created logo and carousel images graphics.
  • Started SingleArtwork Page.
  • Wrote most Business and DataAccess App_Code skeletons for the missing tables that were added.
  • Created repeaters for Popular Artist/Genres/Subjects third navigation.
  • Created ArtworksList/ArtistList Gridviews

Hazel Lobos

  • Modified layout front-end, color schemes, responsive layout adjustments, bootstrap customizations.
  • Created About page.
  • General presentation layer commenting and documentation for all pages.
  • Edited SingleArtworks page (Created Review Section, Panels in Accordian and Repeaters for Genre/Subjects in 'Product Details')
  • Created 'Newest Editions' user control.
  • Created 'Related Artworks' user control.
  • Css Editing for all pages.
  • App_Code layers commenting on all pages.