The Blue Rider By Kandinsky

The Blue Rider is perhaps Kandinsky’s most important painting from the early 1900’s, before he had fully developed his abstract style of music as sound. The painting illustrates a rider cloaked in blue, speeding through a greenish meadow. The painting’s intentional abstractness had led many art theorists to project their own representations onto the figure, some seeing a child in the arms of the blue rider. Allowing viewers to participate in the representations of the art was a technique that Kandinsky would use to great fruition in his many later works, which became more and more abstract as his career wore on.

 Product Details

Year Created: 1903
Medium: Oil on cardboard
Dimensions: 55 cm x 65 cm
Price: $210.00
Genres: Blaue Reiter (Blue Rider)
Subjects: Scenic


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